Wednesday 11 January 2012

Past Semester Question #2



3.       Buyer power,supplier power,threat of products or services,threat of new entrants,and rivalry      among existing competitors are all included in Porter’s Five Forces Model. 

4.      Switching costs are typically used to influence the threat of substitute products or service.


3.                What is the acquisition and analysis of events and trends in the environment external to an    organization?
A.    Private exchange
B.    First-mover advantage
C.    Environmental scanning
D.   Loyalty program

4.      Which of the following forces is commonly reduced through the use           of a loyalty program?
               A.   Buyer power
               B.    Supplier power
               C.    Threat of new entrants
               D.   Rivalry among existing competitors


a)    Describe three (3) Porter Generic Strategies. Support your answer with example.
1.    Cost leadership strategies.
-         Low cost producer in industry- lower price to customer.
-         Competitors with higher costs cannot afford to compete with the lower cost leader on price.
2.    Innovation strategies.
-         Unique product or services or changes in business process can cause fundamental changes in the way an industry does business.
-         For example is , ASAM JAWA EXTRA.
3.    Growth strategies.
-         To expand their business.
-         Entering new global maketting.
-         Diversifying into new areas.
-         For example is, internal and ibm in microchips.

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